About 30 friends and family members, including his mother, Jane, 63, watched him win.
Now he finds himself responsible for a family of 23 people, including small children and his 67-year-old mother.
Others, including my mother, were excited because they thought I would somehow make some money out of it.
The only one, including my own mother, who even knew that I was here.
At least half dozen people, including the youth's mother, are said to have been less than 20 feet from where he was shot.
Five of them died, including two boys and their mother.
"He was always chasing women in town, including my mother."
During the phone conversation, police initiated a conference call including the girl and her mother.
She takes her role very seriously, and none of us (including my mother) would have it any other way.
Five people died, including the boys' mother, grandmother and two sisters, one of whom was 6 months old.