By his first wife he had 6 children, including his successor Edward.
Theobald's household included many young men of ability, including his successor Thomas Becket.
The organization was propelled to international attention when five of its members including Layton's successor were held hostage by the Taliban for 18 months.
Everybody, including my successor, Peter F. Cohalan, said the thing should go forward and open.
Others, including Mr. Dudayev's wife and his successor, insist that he is dead.
After nine years of childlessness, the royal couple had three children, including Philip's successor, Louis the Fat.
They had four sons, including his successor, John.
With her, he had several children, including his successor Henry Wolrad.
In two years a squadron of 4750 men lost over 4000 dead, including the admiral and his successor, seven captains and fifty lieutenants.
They had eight children including his successor John Tracy.