Relatives and witnesses from Japan, including his widow, attended the ceremony.
Kawabata apparently committed suicide in 1972 by gassing himself, but a number of close associates, including his widow, consider his death to have been accidental.
The state called several of Mr. Kinchen's relatives, including his widow, mother and sister, to testify about the pain caused by the murder.
The opening ceremonies on Saturday night were attended by several family members, including his widow, Terry, and his two children.
But a remnant stayed behind, including Smith's widow, Emma, and his son, Joseph 3d.
Everybody went home happy, including Collier's widow.
Monthly survivors benefits can be paid to certain family members, including the beneficiary's widow or widower, dependent children and dependent parents.
"Gang of Four", including Mao's widow, jockey for power but are arrested and convicted of crimes against the state.
About 150 people attended the unveiling ceremony, including his widow who had since re-married.
Kelly's family including his widow Catriona attended, as did Don Tidey.