The contract, including pay raises of 2 and 4 percent in its final two years, runs through the 2000-2001 season.
The two sides face a stalemate over numerous issues, including pay.
Those schools received a large influx of resources, including higher pay for teachers.
There were also ethics questions surrounding his administration, including pay to play allegations; no evidence has been found linked to him.
He has also called for improvements to education including higher pay for school administrators.
Drawing more qualified teachers may mean offering incentives, including perhaps higher pay.
Its annual operating budget, including military pay, exceeds one billion dollars.
The edict also allowed for special benefits, including increased pay, social security, and health care, which heroes could use until their death.
These things, including pay, job security, and physical work environment, could never bring about job satisfaction.
His total compensation, including pay and benefits, for the 2007 fiscal year was $4,415,714.