Everything about the twins' version of Monet was almost a perfect match, including her physical body, personality, and powers.
An additional category is for unspecified personality disorder, including character neurosis and pathological personality.
The three national factions are described in great detail, including their origins, personality, and notable historical figures.
The book also presents a first hand account of Puerto Rican identity, including music, clothing, personality and nationality.
Other terms used in the literature, including personality, personality state, identity, ego state and amnesia, also have no agreed upon definitions.
Dipper has long been known for big persona, including his always smiling and jovial personality.
This is being applied to a whole range of behaviour, including human-computer interactions, personality, health, mate choice, and animal welfare.
Self-in-organization schemata: a person's concept of oneself within the context of the organization, including her/his personality, roles, and behavior.
The internal model associates aggression with factors within the person, including mental illness or personality (Duxbury et al. 2008).
To these images Mr. Ligon adds color, in all senses of the word, including life, personality and skin.