A gallery with other Mackintosh works, including drawings and architectural plans, is on the top floor.
Jason has big ideas for Uzu, including plans to make it more interactive.
The Shapinsay development trust is working on the island's community plan, including plans to build a wind turbine.
During the 2000s the two states agreed to a joint environmental impact assessment of the D-6 project, including plans for oil spill mitigation.
The Labour party has set out only its spending plans, including plans to spend £35 billion.
The purchase price, including plans, manuals, a stand for ground testing and a Soviet team to start operations, is said to be around $10 million.
Others, including cash-balance plans, may state the promised benefit as a single value.
These documents can authorize another person to make healthcare and financial decisions, including plans for long-term care.
It has to be part of an overall plan, including educational plans.
Officials said the accident would not slow future space missions, including plans to send a satellite to the moon by 2007 or 2008.