Like most Asian countries, China suffered many problems, including pollution, gridlock, and a sudden increase in population etc.
The plant tolerates a wide range of conditions, including frost, drought and atmospheric pollution.
Economic thinking has been applied in ever more areas in the last decennia, including pollution, corruption and education.
It it made of different things including dirt, material from volcanic eruptions, and pollution.
The episodes document aspects of life in Orissa including forced moves, pollution and human rights abuses.
Production may have environmental impacts, including pollution, habitat destruction and urban sprawl.
There are alternative hypotheses for some of the population effects described, he said, including habitat loss and pollution.
It was designed as protection from the hazards of modern living, including pollution, pollen, noise and radioactive fallout.
Various environmental issues are often visited, including homeless animals, global warming, endangered species, deforestation, and pollution.
Learn about the planet's most pressing environmental issues with these reports covering a wide range of topics including biodiversity, water, food, pollution and green gardening.