Students are placed in jobs related to their career interests, including positions in law firms, hospitals and computer service companies.
Many Muslims held government positions, including positions of importance, particularly in the army.
If the working group cannot agree, different options are sent along with supporting material for each, including goals, costs and positions of other governments.
He worked a variety of jobs including positions as a Ducati motorcycle technician and a construction worker.
Jobs have also been reclassified, with changes including lower paying positions that are being contested by employees.
A lot of information about the Agency is given, including names and positions of their boardmembers.
Each division had its own staff including engineers & administrative positions.
Such people may know about specific leads for jobs, including temporary or consulting positions.
Van Dijck performed various jobs, including management and consulting positions.
All the information that could be needed is provided, including overall positions and the positions in the different categories, of which there are five.