It is read across all sectors of the drinks industry including producers, distributors, restaurants, hotels, pubs and retailers.
Eligible companies are those that operate in the European market - including producers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers.
A Staff of 50 A total of 50 people work at the station, including 20 news reporters and producers.
They "are complex networks of relationships between actors including producers, distributors, retailers and consumers grounded in a particular place.
At forty, she'd been around so long no one wanted to see her, including producers.
The site is made up of those who identify with the hip-hop culture, including artists, producers and fans.
Outside of macroeconomic theory, these topics are also extremely important to all economic agents including workers, consumers, and producers.
The studio employs a staff of over 150 artists, including directors, art directors, graphic designers, and producers.
The festival has a different jury each year consisting of film industry professionals including famous actors, writers, directors and producers.
To sum up, the primary victims of restructured workplaces are their workers and suppliers, including agricultural producers.