With its own court system, the Church retained jurisdiction over many aspects of ordinary life, including education, inheritance, oral promises, oaths, moral crimes, and marriage.
The contract specifies 10 rules to be obeyed, including promises to always wear a seat belt and never to let anyone else drive the family car.
Many citizens favored Nagin's expressions of disgust with traditional Louisiana politics, including promises to fight political corruption and run the city in a more businesslike manner.
A result was a series of two-year offers, including a $2-million offer from the Nets, as well as promises of increased playing time.
They did, however, extract concessions from the Americans, including promises to address ongoing grievances like the encroachment of white settlers on their lands.
Hawaii has begun a promotional campaign for the cup, including an initial $300,000 commitment from the State Legislature and promises of more than $200,000 from private contributors.
Various deals were offered to halt the coup, he said, including promises of no retribution for having strayed.
She said she received incentives including a high salary, overseas training classes, four-week vacations and promises of a promotion.
Feminist ideology teaches a woman to rank her own self-fulfillment above every other value, including solemn promises, husband, and children.
There are many different utterances or speech acts including questions, answers, commands, promises and statements.