Some law enforcement officials, including police and prosecutors, believe that the threat gangs pose is real and serious.
Because of the pending plea bargaining, most of the people involved in the case, including prosecutors, either refused to comment or declined to be quoted.
He also said the veto would delay payment of $32 million included in the bill for anti-drug efforts, including more police officers, jail space, prosecutors and school programs.
The state presented witnesses, including the police investigators and original prosecutors, who described a careful investigation of the crime, without any coercion.
Several lawyers, including former prosecutors, noted that it was rare to disqualify a defense lawyer in a criminal case.
The report said that a "variety of sources, including police officers and prosecutors" reported that police unions interfered with efforts to uncover corruption.
There were also several suicides of people involved with the case including prosecutors, police officers and witnesses.
The differing European traditions recognise that others, including prosecutors, can be included within that term for various purposes.
But the Glenn bill would free Federal civil servants, including prosecutors, to do campaign work in their off hours.
That amounts to $7.6 million for the first quarter to support the work of a staff of 200, including judges, prosecutors and 50 investigators.