Today, they are all unmarked, including Swedish residents of the area.
The proposal would apply to all aliens, including permanent residents who have lived here legally for years.
Visitors are welcome, including scholars, local residents, and students from throughout the University, the region, and the world.
The films attracted hundreds, including cannery workers and local residents.
The figure for non-citizens, including students, guest workers and temporary residents stood at 78,000 people.
More than 1,000 people attended the funeral, including family, friends, military personnel and residents of Huddersfield.
On July 26, 2007, some 500 activists, including former residents, attempted to return to the ruins as a beginning to rebuilding the community.
Many others, including residents of more than half the states across the country, cannot even apply.
There are at least 177 species of birds, including migrants and residents.
Volunteers, including local residents at each race site, help out on the pit crew during the races.