He held a variety of management positions, including responsibility for P&G's fragrance compounding operation.
In the 1990's, he took charge of several security portfolios, including responsibility for places at which Iraq has been accused of hiding its unconventional weapons.
But when specifics pop to the surface, people will discover that a great deal is lacking - including fiscal responsibility.
Mr. Cuomo and his advisers said they would continue to focus on some of their core issues, including corporate responsibility.
In many countries, the position can have considerably wider functions and powers, including general responsibility for the entire civil service.
The civil parish handled municipal tasks, but the congregation still retained a significant share of influence, including responsibility for schools.
It leaves out too many things, including moral responsibility.
Does the candidate have a history of advancement including more responsibility and challenge in each subsequent position?
The organization advocates for the traditional tenets of the Republican Party, including low taxes, limited government, strong defense, free markets, personal responsibility, and individual liberty.
We understand the urge for the restoration of traditional moral values in society, too, including common decency and responsibility.