At lunch the menu is mostly American fare, including pastas, salads and sandwiches.
The company offers standard deli style menu including traditional sandwiches such as Po'boys and muffalettas.
Each of the school buildings has a canteen, where casual meals including snacks, sandwiches and various beverages are offered.
It serves a variety of food including sandwiches, pop, nachos, hot dogs and a daily special.
The company offers a range of products including fruit lunch packs, salad, yogurt and sandwiches.
The food, including fresh salads and sandwiches with a Mediterranean touch, is very good.
It now sells items including soup, sandwiches, chili and chicken stew served in an edible bread bowl.
Dr. Clough's conclusion was that travelers should avoid anything, including sandwiches, in which handling is the last step.
One tent served by 50 volunteers will be devoted to refreshments, including chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, sandwiches and cold drinks.
It's a coffeehouse, not a bar, with a dinner menu including sandwiches, salad and pasta.