His father inherited extensive former monastic lands, and served in a number of administrative capacities, including high sheriff, custos rotulorum, and Deputy Lieutenant of Dorset.
The premiere was attended by numerous local dignitaries, including the mayor and local sheriff.
The same holds true here in Suffolk for many town boards as well as every countywide elected office, including the county executive, district attorney and sheriff.
The county has several other elected offices, including sheriff, coroner, auditor, treasurer, recorder, and circuit court clerk.
In 2001, they put up their own candidates, associated with the Republican Party, for public office, including sheriff.
At least 300 people including the chief baron and sheriff, are thought to have died as a result of this event.
Seven Texians died, including a judge, sheriff, and an army lieutenant, with ten more wounded.
The courthouse serves as the offices for most of the county government, including the county judge, commissioners' court, county auditor, clerk, sheriff, and the justice of the peace.
There he held a variety of offices, including deputy surveyor, sheriff, and county treasurer.
A13 Sheriff Firings Upstage Victory Clayton County, Ga., opened the year with its first black-majority government, including the county commission and sheriff.