Aligned on the government's side were the Republicans, including liberals, socialists, Communists, and anarchists.
The aim of the UFP was to bring together progressive forces across the broad left wing of the political spectrum, including social democrats, socialists and communists.
The Bolsheviks began to struggle for power with other factions, including the provisional government, liberals, royalists, democratic socialists, and Mensheviks.
This led various republican factions from a wide variety of backgrounds, including old conservatives and socialists, to join forces.
However, there were both left-wing and right-wing opponents to it, including socialists and people who were very loyal to the Emperor.
Critics of capitalism including socialists and other anti-capitalists often assert that crony capitalism is the inevitable result of any capitalist system.
Antagonism between interventionists, including Fascists, and anti-interventionist socialists resulted in violence.
The demonstration was quite diverse, including religious and community activists, anarchists, socialists, environmentalists, human rights advocates, opponents of war, trade unionists, veterans, and others.
The party consists of various internal factions, including the Trotskyists, Marxist-Leninists and far-left democratic socialists.
Educational and legal injustice are opposed by different types of groups, including anarchists and socialists.