In such a case the CD may also be a function of temperature, concentration, and the chemical environment, including solvents.
Statutory requirements cover the storage of certain substances, including oil, pesticides and solvents.
The environmental agency's proposal is intended to reduce levels of 105 toxic compounds, including pesticides, solvents and heavy metals.
The barrels contained raw chemicals, including flammable solvents, used in making foam insulation.
The chemicals are used in a wide range of products considered essential by modern society, including refrigerants, foams and solvents.
These chemicals are found in many products, including dyes, paints, solvents, inks, and the dust from leather.
Many chemicals, including industrial cleaning products and solvents, can cause this condition.
Footwear factories have heavier machinery and use more dangerous raw material, including solvents that cause toxic air pollution.
Being exposed to certain chemicals, including tobacco smoke, pesticides, and solvents such as benzene.
Samples can be almost any fluid including water, air or sometimes even solvents.