Water may leak into the underground system from many sources including permeable earth, sinkholes, and losing streams.
It lives and breeds in various freshwater environments, including ponds, streams and wetlands.
The preserve also has a variety of terrain, including lakes, streams and marshlands.
Previous studies have indicated substantial heavy metal pollution in the city's water bodies including streams.
Traveling along these trails, many beautiful natural structures can be found, including waterfalls, quartz caves, and streams.
This species lives in a variety of freshwater habitat types, including rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes.
There are about 8,000 km2 of water area, including lakes, tanks, rivers, canals and streams.
Events are held around every major body of water in the world including streams, rivers and lakes.
Tilapia inhabit a wide range fresh water habitats, including lakes, streams, ponds and rivers.
The district is known for its pleasant climate, including hilly vegetation, streams, and orchards.