In 2000, the community had a population of 86, including 17 students through grade 8.
It is open to the public, including students working on school projects.
Each family has around 15 people including students and faculty.
All schools have free lunch for the school staff, including students and teachers.
Over the past 45 years, the teaching staff has grown to 1,558 and its student body to more than 29,000 including 71 foreign students.
The whole school body, including teachers, students, and staff, help during this event.
About 50 people have been tested so far, including students and members of the public.
The attack killed 9 people, including American students, and injured about 100.
The institute has about 240 employees, including 95 scientists and 35 students.
The company has 10 employees, including three students who earn money as they learn.