Students must complete a minimum of 191 quarter units including general studies.
Advocacy groups have helped spur needed research, including major genetic studies.
The draft report assesses current scientific work, including studies by various companies.
It has since expanded into a number of other fields, including computer science, graduate studies and social sciences.
All students take a basic academic core including English, social studies, science, and mathematics courses.
Many investigations have been carried out, including studies of the changes that occur in social dominance over time.
The reports may take many forms including policy analysis, economic studies, statistical reviews, and legal analyses.
Including study at the bachelor's and master's level, these tracks range up to 7.5 years in duration.
"We spend a lot of time working with them on reading and encourage it in all courses, including science and social studies."
Beyond their pastoral activity, a priest may perform other functions, including study, research, teaching or office work.