Funds will be used to upgrade of physical security infrastructure at the water treatment plant, including detection systems, access controls and surveillance.
Those charges were dropped in 1974 because of prosecutorial misconduct, including illegal surveillance.
The investigation, including wiretaps and surveillance, had been under way for a year, Mr. Brown said.
Increased mission versatility, including air interdiction, aerial surveillance and logistical support.
It is important to know that each treatment option, including surveillance, has its own risks.
Yet that is not to say I have no experience with more active work, so to speak, including surveillance.
Present a plan of action for me, including complete surveillance and intelligence reports, and we shall see.
He completed basic training and an advanced course, including surveillance of urban public buildings, a senior Australian official said.
A specialist unit is available for operations including surveillance and siege.
All suggested detailed planning, including surveillance and possibly rehearsals, the officials said.