Sales in the metropolitan area, including the suburbs, rose an average of 11.4 percent, the highest monthly gain in years.
He said the province, with a population estimated at 14 million, including the suburbs of Buenos Aires, has only 40,000 police and should have 80,000.
In contrast, the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area including the suburbs doubled in population since 1950 and now has approximately 3.5 million residents.
The population of the capital, Vienna, exceeds 1.7 million (2.2 million including the suburbs), representing about a quarter of the country's population.
It provides specialist care to the State's south-east, including the south-east suburbs of Melbourne.
The population of Juglot, including the suburbs, is approximately 45,000 in 3200 houses, with an education rate of 48%.
Akerselva is the dividing line between many areas of Oslo including the northern suburbs.
Downstate, including New York City and the surrounding suburbs, is enjoying the best of times.
Flash flooding affected many places across the state including Mildura in the state's north west and the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Including the suburbs, there were 1,110,312 people.