Seven business executives have been charged with a variety of crimes, including stock manipulation, conspiracy and theft.
During this period Williams was arrested at least seven times on charges including theft, drug possession, escape, and robbery.
Under these 1979 ordinances, women cannot testify in certain kinds of cases, including adultery and theft.
Preliminary results for 1988 showed a 1.2 percent increase in personal crimes, including rape, robbery, assault and theft.
Other sins followed, including homicide, perjury, theft, and sexual sin.
The situation was dire enough to permit certain emergency measures, including petty theft.
Investigators examined 125 reports of abuse, including deaths, sexual assault and theft.
Three counts, including theft of government property, were dropped.
He was indicated March 16, 1988, on five counts, including conspiracy, fraud and theft.
Foreign workers have been charged with various crimes, including theft, murder, and "black magic".