Any function that needs coordination, including thoughts and motor behavior, must go through the cerebellum to be smoothened.
A high level of impairment can be pervasive, including destructive thoughts and behaviors (such as substance abuse).
Talk to your doctor before trying any of these medicines if you have depression or other mood disorders, including thoughts of suicide.
He has a special ability of hearing what other people can't hear, including sounds and even thoughts.
It also seems to bring on emotional problems, including suicidal thoughts, in a population already at high risk for depression: the obese.
The account is usually drawn from the patient's memory of actual experiences, including past and current thoughts.
Identify all aspects of a stressful event, including behavior, thoughts, and feelings.
Alison turned out to have a lot in common with him, including a failed marriage and thoughts of suicide.
Symptoms are threatening sensations; including feelings, impulses, and obsessive thoughts.
In grief counseling, people are taught the normal grieving process, including expected feelings and thoughts.