To coastal patrol and protection, including vessels from 120 to 400 tons, have very high speed, armed with powerful weapons, numbered beginning with 00.
To support, search and rescue, including vessels from 1.000 to 2.000 tons, numbered beginning with 600.
A show of 26 works from the 1960's, including vessels and sculpture, runs through July 4.
When last seen publicly, in a museum in Berlin, the collection consisted of about 12,000 gold items, including jewelry, coins, vessels and other objects.
The pottery appeared to be mainly domestic in nature, including jugs and cooking vessels.
Those ships, including an icebreaker and several other vessels whose hulls were hardened against ice, carry from 40 to 80 passengers.
Fourteen artists will display their ceramic works, including vessels, sculptures and figures, today through March 25.
They were related in a number of ways, including funeral vessels, to their contemporary, the Pomeranian culture.
The most significant artifacts at the Mandeville site consist of ceramics, including vessels and potsherds.
The third section comprises all fighting craft, including privately owned vessels with worthwhile armament.