But as useful as the Internet undoubtedly is, it comes with its fair share of baggage, including viruses and other malicious programs.
Investigators are exploring a range of theories, including viruses, a fungus and poor bee nutrition.
There it remains, inactive, until the cell is stimulated by any of several triggers, including other viruses and immune system hormones.
Infectious diseases are caused by a variety of organisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Inflammation of the liver - hepatitis - has many causes, including several viruses.
As we will discuss later, pathogens in general- including viruses - are now known to be of enormous ecological importance (see p 132).
They have been found in multiple domains of life, including bacteria, viruses and higher eukaryotes, including humans.
Mosquitoes are known to carry many infectious diseases from several different classes of microorganisms, including viruses and parasites.
Disease, including various viruses, parasites and brucellosis have a greater effect on bison population.
Ballast water discharge typically contains a variety of biological materials, including plants, animals, viruses, and bacteria.