All business is considered secret, including senatorial remarks, votes, and other parliamentary proceedings.
In third place, write-in votes, including votes for Schwartz, comprised 11 percent.
Numerous ballots were discarded, including all straight-party votes and direct votes for Delay.
It is a published account of Congressional debates and activities, including votes, legislation, and committee meeting announcements.
Ethnic interest groups may provide a host of valuable resources to policymakers, including information, votes, and campaign contributions.
The legislators are considering several new requirements, including unanimous votes by the pardons board, face-to-face meetings with prisoners and mandatory supervised transition programs.
They claimed that hundreds of votes, including votes by felons, deceased voters, and double voters, were included in the canvass.
Carson had a reputation for being somewhat unpredictable, including votes for anti-terrorism bills and normal trade relations with China.
These new members will have full rights of participation including votes on Fisheries Policy, while Scotland is a mere observer.
Robert's Rules of Order defines a majority as being more than one half of the votes cast including votes for ineligible candidates or choices.