Abstract, organic sculptures incorporating diverse materials and objects, including rubber, wood, wax, wire and silverware.
Some defensive work was carried out including wire.
Ms. Carbonell started checking on fencing, including electrical wire, plastic mesh and woven wire.
He contributed many useful inventions including long wire, armor plate, impromptu gun carriages, and iron viaducts.
He works in media including wood, stone, tar, and wire, and his work is a union of minimalism and traditional crafts.
Rexel provides electrical supplies - including wire, lighting and tools - through 1,700 branches in 29 countries to consumers, businesses and the trade.
Fraud can be committed through many media, including mail, wire, phone, and the Internet (computer crime and Internet fraud).
An X-ray of the package revealed what appears to me to be a partially completed pipe bomb, including threaded pipe, wire and other electrical components.
The system was transported over many media other than underground cable, including microwave, open wire and, near the end of the system's life, fiber optic.
To replicate these growing conditions, the tree-perching orchids have been attached to their favorite species by various means, including wire and liquid nails.