If the answer is no, then the criteria for awarding merit scholarships - whether academic transcripts or test scores - ought to be broadened to reflect a more inclusive concept of merit.
"We are going to work with you all together," he said in his victory speech tonight, extolling his ethnically inclusive new concept of a "new Taiwan person."
The terms Oriental/Eastern and Occidental/Western are both inclusive concepts that usefully identify large-scale cultural differences.
In the report, Michael Renner, an associate of the institute, writes, "Environmental security offers a more fruitful basis for cooperation and security among nations than military security because it is both a positive and inclusive concept."
Money made the concept of gender a broader, more inclusive concept than one of male/female.
Because sustainability is such a broad and inclusive concept the environmental impacts of sites can be categorised in numerous ways depending on the purpose for which the figures are required.
DeVore has always maintained a role as activist for non-White inclusion in the fashion industry and creating universally inclusive concepts designed for excellence.
For Christianity has always proclaimed Christ to be an inclusive concept.
Clarke proposes that this taxon might fall under Jebb and Cheek's more inclusive concept of N. fusca, but retains it as an undescribed species because it remains poorly known.
"But it's an inclusive concept," the poll taker said.