"Ours is an inclusive party," Mr. Labastida said in an effort to explain the contradiction.
"I hope we can become a more inclusive party that tolerates dissent and doesn't threaten punishment or revenge on people who don't agree," the senator said.
Launched a two year policy review and consultation exercise on "refounding" Labour as a more modern and inclusive party.
But I think we've got to be an inclusive party.
Like his history of name-calling on most subjects, these charges will simply be remembered as an embarrassment, especially for Republicans who want a more inclusive party.
Mr. Brownback's party put on a good show in Philadelphia, but talking about being an inclusive party doesn't make it one.
"That we are a very inclusive party is the message."
After the defeat in 1926, calls were made to make the party more inclusive and more nationalist in character.
The Democrats will be able to suggest that theirs is an inclusive party, one that allows for interparty competition.
John McCain says about the abortion issue, "I believe we are an inclusive party and we can be so without changing our principles."