At a basic level, income enables people to access and pay for health care when it is necessary or to purchase health insurance.
Doctors emphasize that the additional income provided by selling the products can enable them to practice medicine in a more thorough fashion.
As to your rank, an annual income of 50,000 livres will enable you to support it admirably.
A private income enabled him to devote the remainder of his life to his interests, which included wine, old silver and (above all) books.
But Rick was a natural on television and the income from the programmes enabled the business to expand.
This restored income enabled Gundulf to start reconstruction work on the almost derelict church building in 1080.
Together with his army pay, this modest income enabled him to maintain the house in which he now lived.
And rising incomes have enabled many families in the boroughs to afford the higher asking prices on real estate outside Manhattan.
The income provided by his book enabled Chow to save his farm from bankruptcy.
This income enabled states to directly invest in industry and promote economic enterprises.