But this is very difficult to do if income fluctuates.
This would simplify life for state officials and for the working poor, whose household income, on which food stamp allotments are based, often fluctuates.
But income from his business fluctuated, so the bank cut him off.
But others who work hourly or whose income fluctuates will have to take more general estimates and plan for changes in their budget from month to month.
As a result, it can be very complicated to check that housing benefit taper deductions are correct if a tenant's income fluctuates wildly.
My monthly income fluctuated from bad to very bad.
But his annual income fluctuates because he can earn as much as 300,000 yuan from a single project.
His income, though, fluctuated from year to year.
If you are poor or income fluctuates they try to charge more - Ring up argue- get best price, or move supplier.
It can be calamitous if your business' income fluctuates, because even in an unprofitable year you must still contribute to the plan.