The per capita income - about $420 a year - stubbornly remains among the lowest in Africa.
For the quarter, operating income in the book group remained at $12 million.
Before taxes and including interest payments, income for the nation's nonfinancial companies remained at about $375 billion through the third quarter.
This year's income remains far below a healthy level for the nation's largest banking company.
UK households remain concerned about their future financial situation and disposable income remains under pressure with rising unemployment.
The size of the labor force continues to contract, and incomes remain under pressure.
Their incomes, adjusted for inflation, have remained largely unchanged, despite a brief rise in 1989 and another one now.
For the bulk of the middle class, both pretax income and tax rates remained about the same, the budget office figures show.
(Discretionary income would take a hit, of course, but still remain at 100 times what the average family plays around with.)
His annual income, paid by his practice, has remained in the low to mid six figures.