Social Security taxes have risen sharply, reflecting massive income transfers from young families to old.
But that waste has already happened; redeeming the deposits now is a mere income transfer.
His theory proposes that private health insurance acts as an income transfer between the sick and the healthy.
As a result, the more moral hazard there is, the more money available for income transfer to the people who really need it.
Even so, the net effect of generational income transfers remains highly favorable to the next generation.
For another, older adults sooner or later engage in some pretty sizable income transfers of their own.
"They're starting to give too much of the revenue to the income transfer, and then you start to have rebellion among students and parents."
The overall effect was a type of income transfer from farmers to the government and to urban consumers (who purchased rice).
But those solutions often involve higher taxes and income transfers to the poor.
It stabilised demand by income transfers to those who had a high propensity to consume.