The reason, he explained, is because the income verification form requests essentially the same information as the previous form that had been returned to the landlord.
Reduced borrower income and asset documentation (for example, "stated income", "stated assets", "no income verification")
Musicians are often paid in cash and haven't always filed tax returns, and Habitat is working with musicians to find new and innovative approaches for income verification.
Co-op loans and loans with no income verification are usually priced a quarter to a half percentage point higher.
That, however, assumes that all of the required paperwork - including credit reports, income verifications, income tax returns, and property appraisals - gets to the lender on time.
When there is no income verification and no money down there is obviously a high risk.
Income Verification Question: Some financial institutions and mortgage brokers advertise "no income verification" home-loan programs.
And many mortgage companies are promoting lending policies that require little or no income verification from borrowers.
"The city has real problems with any form of income verification or means test," said John T. Bozzella, the city's lobbyist in Albany.
Warren Buffett: Require minimum down payments for home mortgages of at least 10% and income verification.