After ten years or so, we began using it to haze incoming recruits.
With incoming recruits and a strong core of returning players, the Great Danes would continue their championship ways.
It also outlined restrictions on communication with incoming recruits.
Streets were lined out and tents erected as shelters for the incoming new recruits, who began arriving in mid-August.
This is a tentative roster based on the roster from the previous season and incoming recruits.
This season, Houston had five incoming recruits.
By that time, the division was close to full strength, and except for incoming recruits, most of the men had completed basic training.
The preliminary roster is based on the previous season's roster and eligibility, along with incoming recruits.
On June 26, 2011, Pryor was banned from all contact with the university's athletic program and new incoming recruits.
Including Cronin, the team had three incoming recruits.