The incoming secretary of state and her colleagues are, alas, also lousy at economics.
He promises to keep up his relentless criticism of how the Pentagon spends its billions - he has already written the incoming secretary of defense, Robert M. Gates, to lay out some of his complaints.
The General Assembly also approved $202,500 for temporary accommodations for the incoming secretary general and his family.
Len McCluskey, the incoming general secretary of Unite.
Every incoming secretary of state tweaks the system a bit.
But it is difficult to imagine that there won't be clashes between Mr. Cheney and Mr. Powell, the incoming secretary of state.
Concerned about the need for an orderly post-election changeover in the Department of Defense, Lovett met several times during the transition period with the incoming secretary, Charles E. Wilson, and made sure that he was thoroughly briefed on current issues.
In a move to 'reclaim' the Labour party, MPs could have their trade union funding cut if they are too close to Tony Blair, according to Tony Woodley, the incoming general secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union.
In his memorandum, Mr. Dombeck said he recognized that his new policy would "be subject to review by the incoming secretary of agriculture and the new administration."
A rapprochement with Germany comes naturally to Ms. Rice and her selected deputy, Robert B. Zoellick, both of whom were involved in the country's unification in 1990, an example of transformational diplomacy that left a lasting impression on the incoming secretary of state.