On the graph the trace of the incoming sound looked like a fat lopsided finger pointing upward.
A phenomenon in cognitive neuroscience where incoming sounds are stored very briefly in a person's short term memory.
To shield a room against incoming sound requires reducing sound reception.
This, however, has nothing to do with how they handle incoming sound like speech.
The nature of this pattern is sensitive to the direction of the incoming sound.
The chip recognizes words by first making two rough measurements of incoming sounds, analagous to rounding off a number to the nearest million.
Dolphin teeth are believed to function as antennae to receive incoming sound and to pinpoint the exact location of an object.
(4)At least a comparison between the actually incoming sound and the predictions based on the model is made.
Speech-recognition systems and other sound-analysis systems separate the incoming sound into different frequencies to ease analysis.
As for performance, outgoing and incoming sound excellent.