Its effect as injected was incomparably greater than the same infective material smeared on his skin or swallowed.
Moving house is rarely easy, and the strain of uprooting is incomparably greater for people who can barely move themselves.
The Wehrmacht bent before the power of an incomparably greater enemy.
But this matter was of incomparably greater importance.
What remains in place instead are many of the same antagonisms of old, together with incomparably greater means to act upon them.
The risks attached to this operation were incomparably greater.
The unconscious forces are incomparably greater than those of which we have any knowledge.
It is glorious, and the light from them is incomparably greater than starlight on Earth.
I warrant you that the effect is incomparably greater than any obtained through normal means.
The situation in Europe is not so critical, as our citizens' incomes are incomparably greater than those in developing countries.