The two modems used different - and incompatible - technology to transmit data.
The companies operated with different and incompatible technology.
So the rivals have used incompatible technologies, and both aim to become the de facto standard.
A few times I thought I had found a nearly perfect phone and a tolerable service plan, but they used incompatible wireless technologies.
This is not possible in many cases today for a whole host of reasons, including incompatible technology and government regulation.
Consumers began to see no advantage in the Amiga's "incompatible" technology.
A big obstacle for low-earth systems has been a highly technical clash between companies over incompatible technologies.
Some wrapper libraries exist to act as a bridge between a client application and a library written using an incompatible technology.
For all their intellectual capacity, the Wanderers decided their energy system wasn't adequate so they began augmenting the existing infrastructure with incompatible technologies.
Scott understood the theory behind Mr. Spock's plan, and knew a lot about coaxing ordinarily incompatible technologies into working together.