That is, Carousel would permit users to exchange electronic documents between previously incompatible types of computers.
Similarly, Openshaw et al.(1986) report that the data in the Domesday System are available for 25 different and incompatible types of areal unit.
Since this applies to mammals in general, there may be good reasons why eating and vocalising are incompatible types of activity.
In the earliest stages of phonograph manufacturing various competing incompatible types of cylinder recordings were made.
I have never understood exactly what would happen if you got a transfusion of an incompatible type.
Throws an exception for incompatible types.
More and more, seemingly incompatible types of retailers are intermingling on a single block or street.
This is made possible by boolean and integer being distinct incompatible types.
Adapters are available to allow the use of one type of lever with an otherwise incompatible type of rim brake.
- And yet another language might simply fail to compile this program, saying that the two operands have incompatible type.