After a series of incompatible experimental versions, the level 1 standard was finalized on Mar. 12, 2009.
Here two incompatible versions of postwar history collide.
In some cases, the restrictions force companies to produce incompatible versions of their products for domestic and international sale.
There are three FastTrack-based networks, and they use mutually incompatible versions of the protocol.
Kidd had also given many incompatible versions of events that transpired at the crime scene, which the defense team did not receive.
In the title story, relatives tell a teen-ager incompatible versions of the family's "one great story."
You may receive a validation error using incompatible versions of Adobe Reader.
He cited the history of Unix, which has been replete with incompatible versions.
Listen carefully and you'll hear four distinct and mostly incompatible versions: 1.
The Serbian and Croatian governments insist on incompatible versions of what happens after that.