There was evidence, horrifying but incomplete, that Ebola could travel through the air.
She says that "she had never been able to understand how her peers could be so certain about making decisions on incomplete evidence.
"I just feel that they-and you-have made their decisions based on incomplete evidence."
Some experts believe the evidence released from the Soviet archives is understated, incomplete, or unreliable.
The court said the case would be returned to a lower court because of incomplete and faulty evidence.
Assange's defence team had so far been provided by prosecutors with only incomplete evidence, he said.
So far, depending on how the incomplete evidence is read, it gives comfort to both sides of that debate.
They said it had been prompted by incomplete evidence.
Anyone who's prepared to draw a absolute conclusion based on the incomplete evidence we have about the nature of the universe is delusional.
It has since been shown, however, that these hypotheses were misguided and based on incomplete evidence.