I can offer nothing but intensional definitions in terms of other words, or extensional definitions expressed in incomplete statistics.
However, incomplete statistics and goal scoring records exist for the 1999 through 2003-04 seasons.
According to the incomplete statistics composed on the basis of nationwide crackdowns, the rate of prostitution in China has been rising every year since 1982.
This victory over widespread joblessness would seem more assured, however, if it did not rest in part on the government's incomplete statistics.
At least 5 people were killed and 251 injured in 1,237 pursuits last year, according to incomplete statistics from the State Attorney General's office.
The president and his advisers also offer a variety of incomplete statistics to bolster their proposal to eliminate the taxes on most stock dividends.
The average is approximate because of incomplete statistics on how many runs he conceded as a bowler, with him having conceded at least 65 runs.
While the numbers are bleak, nobody attributes the change to inaccurate or incomplete statistics.
The Government and the media do seem intent on misleading the public with false and incomplete statistics and statements.
There is a reluctance to discuss suicide after the fact, as well, and a result is incomplete and conflicting statistics.