Spadrin laughed out loud at the incongruous image, and even Ang's mouth inched upward.
He also revealed his teaching background to interviewers that made his in-ring Neanderthal image all the more incongruous.
He has explored that paradox with elaborate, meticulously staged photographs that are striking for their incongruous images.
Then common sense reasserted itself, and she chortled in spite of herself at the incongruous image.
So it is an incongruous image, a genuinely reserved man trying to sell himself in the television age for the most powerful job in the world.
We were chatting beneath these incongruous images in the dim, unheated microbrewery next door to their home.
The salt mountains make an incongruous "snowy" image against the deep blue of the Caribbean sky.
Catherine blinked at the incongruous image of her so-proper mother-in-law who now resembled a fishwife.
The thought caused him to smile at this incongruous image of himself.
The incongruous image of don Juan working for Pablito was extremely humorous to me.