However, the presentation was seen as functional, with inconsistent artwork quality and lack of sound.
It was but one in a long list of speeches of inconsistent quality and delivery over the decades.
The other thing that struck me about Bradley's performance was the somewhat inconsistent quality of what one journalist recently described as his streak of "civic mysticism."
Thus, inconsistent quality of the combinations made a number of dishes unacceptable in their entirety, although some of the parts were decent.
This failure was common in firearm actions that relied on open primer pans, due to the poor or inconsistent quality of the powder.
Her belief in poetry as performance creates a strongly consistent style and an inconsistent quality.
"Since the products are natural they are therefore of an inconsistent quality, or limited in quantity," she said.
But he said the studies called attention to the inconsistent quality of Her2 testing in many small laboratories.
Welles had worked in three different formats - 35mm, 16mm and Super 16mm - which created inconsistent visual quality.
Great stuff but a half star has been deducted for the sadly inconsistent sound quality between the three sessions.