Let me set out some of the facts: incontrovertible historical truths, all properly observed and notarized.
Here's the incontrovertible truth about budget deficits: Spending is still out of control.
The ladies smiled approvingly, for his lightest utterance was regarded as incontrovertible truth.
Facts usually refers to the usage as a plural noun of fact, an incontrovertible truth.
Staring at the unconscious Sardalian woman, the doctor faced the incontrovertible truth: she was dying and he couldn't save her.
The figure of '20% of administration costs' is being both whispered in the corridors of the House and held up as incontrovertible truth.
But this peril, this only incontrovertible truth in which they shared, seemed to act as an inspiration to their mental and bodily powers.
One downright lie, Smith thought, and one statement of incontrovertible truth.
Yet, she said, this misleading information "became accepted by the courts and the public as nearly incontrovertible truth."