'Just don't bother me with the inconvenient details that I'll have to work hard to forget later.'
After all, he pointed out, there was the inconvenient detail that the universe around us is made of matter, not antimatter.
That was how he'd got shot in the firstplace, but he chose not to dwell on such inconvenient details.
Stereotypes Such inconvenient details suggest that the way the two major candidates for President are being judged and portrayed often doesn't reflect reality at all.
But these are inconvenient details to Mr. Gingrich, who implied that the rise in federal aid was a sad indication of the insufficient work ethic of black Americans.
But these inconvenient details aside, maybe Mr. Noe has shown us all the way to a brighter investment future.
He is a thoughtful man, with an abiding sense of the sweep of history, and a careless man, with a troubling disregard for the inconvenient details of his own life.
In its haste to depict events as Little Britain v Big Europe, the Tory press hasn't dwelt on the inconvenient details of last week's fight.
Also unmentioned was another inconvenient detail: Thanks to the three-day transit strike, many thousands of working men and women found it difficult - in some instances, impossible - to reach their own jobs.
"It's an inconvenient detail," she said.