Mascot incorporates code from MOWSE, developed by Darryl Pappin and David Perkins at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, and licensed from Cancer Research Technology.
GridSpice is an open source cloud-based simulation package for the smart grid and incorporates code from MATPOWER and GridLAB-D.
In response, supporters of the GPL llicense claim that it is more free than the BSD licence because it prevents other people from incorporating GPL-licensed code into proprietary products.
The game is written in the Python programming language, and is licensed under the GNU General Public License, although the game incorporates other free and open-source code under other licenses.
For instance, users can add external HTML elements, incorporate additional code for meta tags, author and add custom applications, create sophisticated branching, debug courses, and manage variables.
Software that incorporates GPL-licensed code will generally have to be distributed under the GPL or compatible terms in order to comply with the license.
Beyond that, it is an Internet-cultural poetic language deriving much of its tension from incorporating formal code and informal speech at once [2].
Is it possible to incorporate code into an app so that it can authenticate a YubiKey locally?
Since then it has also incorporated code from other free BSD descendants, including NetBSD, MicroBSD and FreeBSD.
Object-oriented programming is a modular approach to writing software that incorporates functional and descriptive code in reusable chunks.