This was incorporated into the school's name from October 2002.
The Fellowship has incorporated this symbol of fertility into its name to stand for continual growth and development.
Putnam incorporated the moniker into the band's name and the Gold Star Band was born.
Several of these corps incorporate the word "Alumni" into their name, though previous membership in a classic era corps is often not required.
The final God's Father title is the one most associated with Ay, and was later incorporated into his royal name when he became pharaoh.
The newspaper incorporated the regional name into its own name in 1999.
Several early clubs playing the new "English" games of football, rugby, and cricket incorporated it into their name.
As a result, the word "National" was incorporated into the organization's name.
Many saloons on the border of dry areas incorporated the phrase "last chance" into their name.
Kepler-11's name is incorporated into Kepler-11g's name because it is the host star.